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NY Breeder
NY Breeder offers dogs for sale in White Plains, New York
NY Breeder is a Westchester County, NY based purebred dog and puppy selling, breeding, and training company, founded by several people that are passionate about pets, specifically dogs!
45 Tarrytown Rd.
White Plains, NY 10607
NY Breeder offers dogs for sale in White Plains, New York
Padberg - Blanda
Ara Price
Pet Sitting Service
364 Conroy Bridge
Dessieburgh, OH 83257
Natalie's Little Yorkies
Natalie's Little Yorkies
I have been breeding Yorkshire Terriers in my home for nearly 32 years, and strive to raise true teacup and parti Yorkies that are both healthy and adorable. All of my Yorkies are AKC Registered and come with a Health Guarantee. I am sure you will be 100% satisfied with any of my Yorkie puppies.
10001,alaska USA
ALASKA, AK 10001
Natalie's Little Yorkies
Hansen and Sons
Ben Kshlerin
Pet Sitting Service
46318 Dasia Rue
Lake Fionaborough, WI 11332-7002
Buckridge LLC
Kristoffer Kerluke
Pet Sitting Service
272 Thiel Ridge
State College, NE 73089-9726
Facebook Technical Support
larry james
Pet Sitting Service
7892 Sailboat Key Blvd S APT 505
South Pasadena, FL 33707
Heidenreich Inc
Rogelio Sauer
Pet Sitting Service
57216 Sonia Trace
Andrewmouth, KS 29833-2016
Rohan, Schimmel and Wyman
Malcolm McLaughlin
Pet Sitting Service
571 Turner Extensions
New Keagan, ME 44467-9400
Springville Labradoodles
Dixie Springer
Pet Sitting Service
P O Box 1347
Silverton, OR 97381
Fetch Pet Care
Fetch! Pet Care of Cherry Hill
Fetch! Pet Care of Cherry Hill is locally owned and operated. We maintain a staff of pet-sitting professionals in your local neighborhood to provide loving care for your pet's customized needs
P.O. Box 826
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

  • About Us

  • Services & Prices
  • Fetch! Pet Care of Cherry Hill
    Hegmann, Jones and Effertz
    Rosella Mitchell
    Pet Sitting Service
    1868 Weldon Pines
    East Evans, MT 11760
    Murray, Bernier and Barton
    Demario Schiller
    Pet Sitting Service
    69075 Doyle Ways
    Port Makayla, WI 89394
    Atif Masood
    Pet Sitting Service
    Birmingham UK
    Birmingham, AL 35005
    Toy Maltese pups for sale CKC registered.
    home raised
    5330 Forest Drive
    Graceville, FL 32440
    Toy Maltese pups for sale CKC registered.
    Sharon's AKC Yorkshire Terrier Puppies
    Sharon G.
    Pet Sitting Service
    1141 N. Monte Vista St.
    Chandler, AZ 85225
    Sharon G.
    Hayes LLC
    Maymie Schoen
    Pet Sitting Service
    8492 Celia Locks
    Nitzschetown, AL 11269-7775
    Hookup Apps
    Hookup Apps
    Pet Sitting Service
    dalls, TX 75225
    Nikolaus, Dach and Harvey
    Heather Weimann
    Pet Sitting Service
    46506 Mason Port
    Millsshire, WA 08023
    Rosies Pet Sitting Services
    Rosemary Flores
    Pet Sitting Service
    1322 n eastbury ave
    covina, CA 91722

  • MunchkinKittens
    MunchkinKittens Braun
    Pet Sitting Service
    800N Tucker Dr
    Tulsa, OK 74104
    We are located in beautiful Long Island of New York. We are a small show and hobby breeder with over 15 years of experience, specializing in Biewer Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers of quality to approved homes only. We prefer pet homes for our Biewer Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier puppies, but occasionally approve breeding homes.
    1 Revere Rd
    Roslyn, NY 11577
    Armstrong - Tromp
    Norwood Kshlerin
    Pet Sitting Service
    55071 Mariam Pine
    East Hectorville, DE 50228
    McDermott, Wuckert and Little
    Norris Mayer
    Pet Sitting Service
    641 Hessel Terrace
    North Sadye, ME 60898-4363
    Weber Training Stables
    (Large animal and Farm sitting services available)
    Weber Training Stables is a full service training facility that provides riding lessons and has boarding available. WTS also offers additional services and among those are large animal and farm sitting. Over 20 years experience with horses and horse care. and over 13 years experience running, managing and daily operations of boarding and horse care facility, also 6 years experience in veterinary assistance as a technician.
    30019 Madloy
    Castaic, CA 91384

  • About us

  • Services & Rates
  •  (Large animal and Farm sitting services available)
    Cassin Inc
    Sidney Mertz
    Pet Sitting Service
    790 Ron Glens
    Port Dayana, NE 33778-5949
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